The real secret to the AIM Tribes' amazing progress and improvements You’ve seen so many of our TRIBE make huge transformations without them taking their clothes off! Progress on their mobility, unlocking movements, learning new skills, getting stronger and staying injury free!! Trust me…. our tribe look good naked too 😊Our priority is to serve our clients to the highest of standards. We achieve this by listening, assessing, educating, coaching then training them to improve, maintain and sustain the QUALITY of movement and life they came to us for.Are you achieving the transformation you’re aiming for? Be honest with yourself, are you making progress in areas that are important to you?Whether you’re somebody who rarely moves or a constantly active person who loves to train and move, here’s AIM’s 6 questions to ask yourself if whether you’re on track to improving the quality of your movement results and life…1. What is my intention? Setting your intent is probably the most important thing you can do – period! You need to know what success looks like if you want to achieve something. Many people think they know what they want but unless you define it in written words what exactly is it you want and how you’re going to get there, then it will remain an ideal.The AIM Tribe write down their intentions in order of priorities to achieve them. Once we’ve set the destination we reverse engineer the path and plan accordingly. We regularly check in to reassess and keep track of how well we are progressing towards our intentions.AIM TIP: Reverse engineering your intention help you be realistic and hold you accountable at the same time. 2. Do I know how to get what I want? Once you’re clear on your intentions then invest in LEARNING what you need to do to get there. Most importantly know why and how to get there. This is especially important if you are a beginner or about to do something fairly new!If you don't know how to fix or enhance a car do you use YouTube or take it to a mechanic?Invest in a good coach who will educate, guide, and empower you to move and train efficiently, effectively, and safely that’s aligned with where you want to go. They should be preparing you to be confident to go out and put the work in by yourself.Side note: coaches need coaches – make sure your coach has one too 😊 3. Do I have a program? Are you following a program or method that is right for your intention and with your current knowledge and physical capabilities considered? A program’s only going to deliver on its promises if it’s tailored for you and you can execute it properly - beware of following that awesome get shredded program you saw in Wo/men’s health or downloaded from the internet!On the other hand stop jumping from program to program because you aren’t seeing the results in the first 2 months!! Stop blaming the program and honestly question your execution of the program!AIM TIP: Do some research… everyone these days is an … [Read more...] about 6 quick questions to check the quality and effectiveness of your training
How to Hack Your Sleep
AS A LIFESTYLE EDUCATION BUSINESS, WE WORK WITH PROFESSIONALS AND BUSINESS OWNERS WHO ARE DEDICATED TO OUTPERFORMING IN EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR LIFE; THEIR HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS AND WORK. With such high-performing clients, you'd likely not be surprised how often we hear from our Tribe how they struggle to switch off on an evening, don't get enough sleep or not enough quality sleep... Whether you want to improve your performance at work and training, have a healthy and strong immune system, function optimally physically and mentally, have energy for your loved ones around you… The secret is to get some QUALITY shut eye time!Yes life is hectic… you’re a high performer who is always on the go and finds it hard to shut off or get some down time. I get it… it’s not straight forward! But if you want to be successful and have longevity for your health and relationship you know you must change something.After having dealt with this personally for years I’d like to share some of the tools and habits that myself and most of the AIM TRIBE implement. Take control of your sleep habits and hack your sleep as we have, it's had a profound impact in so many areas of our lives!So if you want to learn and implement a handful of simple and effective hacks to improve the quality of your sleep, catch those elusive 💤 ‘s and make awesome training gains... download this bad boy 😉Be sure to keep moving and hit me up with any commentsVik.Take home Over the course of your life, you’ve learned how to move in an astonishing number of ways. Not all of the ways you move are correct, in fact some of your habits are probably downright horrific. But that doesn’t stop you from moving. When you ask your body to do a job, your body doesn’t care what it looks like - it carries out an order using the resources it has available and the habits you have developed over the years.If you have poor body awareness, poor movement patterns, and the wrong muscles are inhibiting the right ones during your performance, if you haven’t already hit a plateau in strength, then there’s a good chance one is coming your way. And usually, injury is not too far behind. Download vik's sleep hacks pdf Sign up for updates from AIM below and a link will appear to download Vik's HOW TO HACK YOUR SLEEP PDF instantly.About Anatomy In MotionHave questions or want us to help you improve your body awareness? Hit the button below to get in touch and arrange a chat with us.Make an EnquiryFollowFacebookInstagramYoutube … [Read more...] about How to Hack Your Sleep