Why AIM?
The motivation for Anatomy in Motion
I was born & raised in Kathmandu, Nepal till the age of 10. In a country where hot water, consistent power supply & education were luxuries; my loved ones made HUGE sacrifices to send me to the UK.
When I landed, there was an instant communication barrier. I couldn’t speak English very well! I craved to connect with the other kids, mainly to be accepted. I felt so different! It was only by immersing myself in sports (rugby in particular) that I was able to break this barrier.
This is where my love (and need) for movement started.
Even as a kid, I have always strived to be the best in everything I do. As I matured into my late teens; like many, I didn’t have a clue of what I wanted from life! Without direction, I wandered through these years lost. At my lowest point I was self-sabotaging, partying alot and alienated my loved ones.
This forced me to make a conscious decision – I wanted to work to be a better man! This is where my passion for health and movement started as this was the only outlet that I had growing up where I felt at home. When I was immersed in physical activity I felt connected.
Finding your passion is easy – we all probably have a passion for a number of things! But to continue to grow your passion into something more meaningful often means investing time, energy & TAKING ACTION! I started by borrowing money (the only loan I’ve ever taken) to study and committing to move to London on my own at the age of 20. This was a huge turning point for me for many reasons.
The most important one was that through this shift I realised that I had a deep thirst for learning and a love of teaching.

“I was disillusioned after working 7 years in a misguided industry..an industry lacking quality or standards, an industry with unrealistic expectations that offers quick fixes.”
I was very blessed to have been given an opportunity to work in a private training studio in London when I finished my studies. This is where I really got to practice teaching and applying myself. Although it didn’t take long for me to realise that my education & knowledge were not enough to service all my clients’ needs.
I felt like an imposter – like I had no real idea what I was doing and really, what right did I have to try to help others?!
This sparked me to seek out mentors, teachers & leaders in their field to learn under. I worked with the best in the industry to lift barbells, swing kettlebells, learn Olympic weight lifting, explore various movement practices from yoga, Pilates, gymnastics and martial arts. I studied evidence-based nutrition, the inner workings of the human body, dissected cadavers and treated the injured and worked with terminally ill. I went onto qualify as a remedial massage therapist & even got to study under an osteopath in Oxford university.
I started thinking I wanted to learn ‘fitness’ methods… but my intentions evolved into gaining a better understanding of human anatomy and exploring diverse movement perspectives & practices. I focused (and continue to focus today) on constant self-development, learning new methods and endless research that can be put into practice to add value to myself and the AIM Tribe.
My thirst for knowledge evolved into a lifestyle. I discovered an energy – something I HAD to share with others.
I grew frustrated at the “Rise & grind” or “No pain no gain” mentality being taken out of context by people, especially trainers and coaches themselves. Still today the status quo is simply going harder faster & doing “more” in the hope of instant results.
We are in a situation where most of us aren’t being set up to win when it comes to our health and movement. Everywhere we look we’re being bombarded with what to be doing but no-one is actually talking about how and why it’s important for us in the long run.
In a world full of 24hr gyms, high intensity training, 12 week health & lifestyle challenges, various kickstarter and cookie cutter programs; no one is taking the time to connect & educate people! They simply don’t take in the fact everyone’s needs & wants are different.
I became increasingly disillusioned working in a misguided industry. An industry saturated with useless and inapplicable information, an industry lacking quality or standards, an industry with unrealistic expectations that offers quick fixes – I had to TAKE ACTION!
This is the reason AIM was born.
AIM was born.
Our vision is to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the AIM TRIBE & ACADEMY (we educate & work with other coaches) through Strength & Movement. We do this by simplifying information, educating and empowering individuals in fun but challenging environment.
This is possible because we embrace and respect that everyone is different; whether that be in age, shape/size, goals, biomechanical limitation or rate of progress. Everyone learns, responds and adapts differently!
I am so proud of the Tribe we’ve grown; a culture where people better connect with themselves & others to grow physically, mentally & emotionally.
A Tribe that wants to learn, play & grow together.
Everything we do is personalised, everyone has a coach as a mentor who connects with the individual and truly understands them and their intentions.
This is a non-negotiable as this allows us to get the right marriage between individuals wants & needs. This way, regardless of any differences or ability, everyone progresses to be better than yesterday.
Every AIM client & coach to date is a walking example of our vision.
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been part of AIM’s past, present and future. We have some exciting plans for AIM and our Tribe; to learn, play, grow together.
Have questions or want help with your strength, flexibility, skills?
Hit the button below to get in touch and arrange a chat with us.