
Lets Talk Mobility

3 min read

Lets Talk Mobility

Mobility training: what it is and why it should be a core part of everyone’s program, no matter what your goals...

Have you heard or said –

“I need to work on my mobility” Or “I am not mobile enough to do that!”

Take a minute and genuinely think what the word ‘MOBILITY’ means to you.

I’ve seen and heard this word thrown around so loosely by people who are either misinformed, trying to re-enact something they observed or following the latest cool trend but with little to no understanding and effect!

I’d like to share my views in the hope it helps you understand a little more on the subject. This is not an in-depth opinion, rather a brief introduction. I could talk for hours on this subject, some of you which may have even had the pleasure of enduring 😊.

“Mobility is the ability to actively achieve a range of motion.”

This nicely defines mobility as the strength and control you have over your flexibility.

Contrary to what people think, flexibility is not the same as mobility because it’s NOT USABLE range of motion. Visualise that lady who bends and twists in a way that make you cringe a little and now that guy who can barely touch his toes; both of these people are not mobile!

It doesn’t matter if you’re strong or if you lack range of motion (ROM).  No amount of muscle strength or control will power you through that restricted movement, at least not without serious repercussions, for example PAIN. Restricted movements force the body to compensate, creating further dysfunction. Additionally, if a muscle cannot achieve its optimal length it cannot generate sufficient force. Alternatively, if you had amazing flexibility and ROM but no strength and control then movement would be difficult, sloppy at best.

Poor mobility means you are leaking energy, power and strength but also compromising your body to an extent where injuries are inevitable!! In short, good mobility is a basic requirement of quality, safe, and efficient human function and performance.

I’m thrilled that the masses are becoming aware that restricted mobility causes trouble and are ready to take charge and do something about it. It’s important to know using tools such as foam rollers, lacrosse balls and resistant bands to roll and smash are NOT mobility!

Mobility is a skill in itself. It should be treated like any other training protocol as it requires patience, understanding and dedication. It needs to be applied and requires progressions specific to the individual, for you to create a training stimulus and gain results.

How we do mobility

At AIM we incorporate different methods and systems such as active, weighted, partner, ballistics and stretching as well as movement practices and systems like functional range conditioning (FRC). This enables us to create safe, sustainable and long lasting results to get our TRIBE moving freely, with strength and pain free.

The priority of any good mobility work or program should cover:

  • Articular health and longevity; looking after how your joints are functioning
  • Progressive soft tissue adaptation; to increase ROM + strengthen muscle, tendons, ligaments
  • Injury mitigation; to reduce the chances of injury + means of rehabilitation
  • Improved function; to acquire, sustain and maintain body function + performance

Take aways

  1. Mobility is not flexibility.
  2. Your goals should be to build control over your ROM to improve function and reduce injury.
  3. Good mobility practice/training looks after your soft tissues and joints.

There are different ways to train mobility and you should integrate it into your training or daily practice – TODAY!

Get in touch if you have any questions or would like to hear about our upcoming mobility workshop.

Move well, then move often.


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